How often do I need to request an overseas absentee ballot?
If I received a ballot for the primary election, will I automatically receive one for the general election?
How will I receive my overseas absentee ballot?
What address should I use when registering to vote from overseas?
What address should I use if I've never lived in the U.S.?
Why do I need an exact address when voting from overseas?
Why does my phone number keep getting rejected, even though it's in the correct format?
I keep getting an error message while trying to register/request a ballot. Can you help?
Why can't I get the Photo-Signature-Email option on your website to work?
Who can vote from overseas?
I'm a U.S. citizen born overseas. Am I eligible to vote in U.S. elections?
Am I eligible to use the overseas registration process?
What is the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?
When should I use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?
How do I obtain the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?
How many forms do I need to complete in order to vote from overseas?
Can I sign the voter registration form online?
What will print after completing the voter registration process?
What is a primary election and how does it work?
Are presidential primary elections held in every state?
Is there a calendar with deadlines for U.S. elections?
How do I register and request an overseas absentee ballot?
Am I Registered? How can I verify that my overseas registration was processed?
How often do I need to register to vote and request my overseas absentee ballot?
Why Create a Voter Account?
I'd like to create a Voter Account. How can I do that?
I used the Voter Account "Forgot Password" request & did not receive an email. What should I do?