I'm a U.S. citizen born overseas. Am I eligible to vote in U.S. elections?

If you're an American citizen who was born overseas and has never resided in the U.S., whether or not you can vote in U.S. elections is determined by state law. You can visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program website for a full list of state-specific information.

If your state is not on the list on the Federal Voting Assistance Program website, we encourage you to reach out to your local election official to see whether you're eligible. 

If you are eligible to register, you can do so by using the Voter Registration/Ballot Request form on our website.

Your voting address in the United States will be the last U.S. residence of your U.S. citizen parent. 

After you've completed the online process, you'll need to submit your form to your local election official in the U.S. Once it's had enough time to get there, you can verify whether or not your registration was accepted by contacting your election official. To find their contact information, go to our Election Official Directory, choose your state and voting region, and click "submit." On the following page click on the tab labeled “Election Official Contact Details."

Please remember to save a copy of all registration documents for your records.