Which address should I use to register to vote if I am a student living on campus?

Students may consider their school as their primary residence, since that is where they spend most of the year and engage in community activities. If you are a student and you consider your school as your primary residence with no present intent to leave, you have the right to register and vote from your school address. 

Note, though, that while some states will allow you to use your college ID as proof of residence, some will not. In those states you will need to have another form of ID to vote using your college address. You can find your state’s Voter ID requirements here. Select the state where your campus is located, and on the following page select “U.S. Domestic Voters,” and “Identification Requirements.” 

As a student, you also have the choice to register to vote from your home address. You can then either vote from your home polling place or request to vote by absentee ballot. It is against the law to vote in more than one location. 

In either case, in order to register go to Register to Vote. Complete the registration process by filling out the information in each step. At the end, print and send your registration form to your local election official.